Sunday, April 24, 2011

It's been a while

This past year has been one of many changes. Mostly changes that have been out of my control but have ultimately changed my life as I know it. This past summer I, as a 21 year old college student about to start her senior year, found out my parents are divorcing.
Now 10 months late, I am still processing the idea of my family no longer truly existing. It is the strangest feeling really. To know that in the world all the members of your family exist, except that in reality the "family" part is dead, is beyond the ability of my heart to understand.

When other friends of mine families went through a divorce, I had no earthly idea the heart break that takes place. It is the worse break up of all time, because not only are the parents ending a relationship they are also ending the family unit that the children have always known. For the children, growing up was not about fighting and hatred between the parents. It was about having your mom, dad, and sister all together during the most important moments in life, and for all the time spent in the monotonous day to day routines. Now post break up, the mom and dad a glad to finally be rid of each other. And the children are left in the in between wondering if they will ever feel whole again without all four members of their family together as one.
My family no longer exists.
Our home is gone.
Our family home and the home we grew up in was shamelessly foreclosed.
Our family traditions are gone.
divorce sucks.

1 comment:

Lyndsey said...

I still read this! And I'm truly sorry about your parents. My roommates parents did the same thing last year and it still affects her. Hopefully you can find a new "home".