Thursday, January 15, 2009

living 8 hours ahead.


This is Devin and Meghan (my roommate!)
The Crazy Dogs!
Me and Mary Beth

Part of the Artemis
again Artemis

view from the hallway of my apartment
View from our balcony

Last night was a little rough. I went to sleep fine but I kept waking up. and we have a main street right outside our balcony and the cars are so loud. Then there was a dog that started barking around 5am. and barked for like 20 minutes. It was frustrating. Then there was this red dot on our wall that scared me so i had to get up and see what it was just the heater. Then I finally went to sleep until my alarm went off. I woke up to skype with Travis, but his alarm messed up so he didn't wake up. But then i went to breakfast and had Greek cereal and juice! It was yummy. Then we had a walk around the city with our directors. We split up into two groups, and then went opposite directions. Then when we met up with the other group they had 8 dogs following them. So let me take a moment to talk about the dogs. Glory be. So in Greece they have wild dogs (like in Mexico), but these dogs somehow no when the Americans get here. From the moment we step out of the Artemis(our villa) we are followed by atleast two dogs. They think that they protect us from the cars and other dogs. So as we are walking down the streets these dogs will bark at the cars and walk out in front of them to protect us. It is really sweet, but scary and really a bad thing. This happens because at some point the "Hugers" have fed them so they take up post at our doors and protect us in the city. Anyway, after the walk I signed up to be on the lunch crew for work study. So Meghan, Amanda, Mary Beth, Danielle, and I set the table and put the food out. We had chicken Parmesan, some Greek pasta, broccoli, and steamed brocolli, and Greek salad. It was delicious. They feed us well here at the Artemis! Then the lunch crew cleaned up and washed dishes. Yana helped us clean the dishes. She is Greek and knows some english. She is is precious, we loved her! Then after lunch Meghan and I were very tired so we went up to our rooms to take a nap. That was a very bad decision. We went to sleep at 3 and didn't wake up till 7! HAHA! we missed our orentation and dinner! Oh it was so funny! we came downstairs and the dinner crew was putting dinner away, and our hair was all messed up. But Rebecca (the director kinda of like our dorm mom) didn't mind at all that we had slept through and just let us warm up the left overs! It was was relaxed. We had the Greek version of lasagna (sp?) it was interesting but good! After dinner we went on a walk to the supermarket and got soap because we have a bar in our bathroom. Yikes! haha both Meghan and I both wanted to buy liquid soap. Then we went and got Gelato down the street. All the time about 7 dogs were following us and running out infront of the cars, one almost got hit. It was scary. The gelato was great! Then we came back to the Artemis and just hung out. We played games and had "Tea Time!" I had forrest fruit tea. Then around 11 or so Meghan and I went up to our room to start our collage!! So our rooms are a little we bought some magazines and a greek newspaper and went to work! It took us forever! and we didn't go to sleep till 1:30 but it was well worth it! on our entire wall there is a collage! It is brilliant! I love it! It looks a little like home now, and less 70's! But we finally went to sleep, after I got to talk to Travis on skype for a while! Then this morning Meghan and I both woke up at the exact time to go to the bathroom. Then after that we could not go back to sleep, so I hopped in the shower. Then we had breakfast, and this morning we had Greek yogurt. It was different, but I think I can get use to it! Then we had chapel. then classes which only lasted a couple of hours! then we were done! Now I am about to go to the store cause Meghan and I didn't bring any school supplies! So we are going to have to pay around $10 for a notebook! Love you all! hope you slept well! So far Friday has been good!


Judy Hutt said...

Calle, I love reading your blog. You are very entertaining. Glad things are going well. Looks beautiful there! Love you, Judy Hutt

JodiPittard said...

you already have beautiful pictures! i tried to see if you were on facebook this morning, but you were not. Today was my first real day of school! I will have to tell you all about it on a facebook message. I have piper retreat this weekend, but i think sat's should be our time where I will try to be on skype. I think we might make my wedding dress... I love you!