Sunday, January 18, 2009

A day that I will remember for the rest of my life.

This blog will be about yesterday and today! Both days we were in Athens! Which is an amazing and beautiful city. It is huge! Atleast 20 times the size of times square! and everyone looked beautiful! No one looked sloppy. Lets see a quick run down on the day!

First we went on the metro, and went to the mall which was so modern and nice! It was beyond any mall I have ever seen in America. Then we drove around the ports of Athens. At one point we stopped and ate lunch at this
beautiful look out point over looking the sea! Then we

went to the tip of the peninsula and we got some time to just walk around by ourselves.

And this is where the fabulous story begins.

I had a feeling that there was something wonderful out there for us to discover, and I had a feeling that this one guy named Cabot would lead us to it. He just seems like a guy who can find adventure. So we walked around for a little bit and then we headed to the sea. We were standing
on the rocky sand beach looking out onto the sea and we hear this slapping of something. We look over and there is a Greek man standing on the beach holding a flat stick and hitting some type of fish on the stone wall of the boardwalk. Meghan, Cabot, and I were like Let's go talk to him, and we made ourselves over to the man. To our surprise he spoke English. This man was the typical Greek man that I have always wanted to meet! He was the most joyful and splendid stranger I have ever met, and so far the most amazing Greek I have met! We started talking to him and we told him that we are from a University studying for a semester. He told us that his wife is American and that she taught english in Italy. He also told us that he had been to America, I think he said Texas, and that he had relatives in Tennessee! He had also been to Canada and had a girlfriend there. He said that he got sent back to Greece twice in Canada.

We kept talking to him just getting to know him, and we found out that he had caught octopus and was hitting it with the stick to get the ink out! He had been all around the world because he use to be a sailor and a soldier for the government. It is a special type of soldier, that is very prestigious. He asked us if we had had calamari before, and none of us had. He asked us when we would be coming back and we said every weekend. He said you come back to here and I barbecue this calamari for you. Then he said actually how bout we eat now! And then he invited us to go eat with him at this little restaurant on the sea!

First he showed us his office, oh he cleans the beach now! He showed us a picture of him as a guard because it is on a postcard! He told us the store around the corner sold them! Then we walked over to the restaurant and took our seats! While we were walking over his wife called and he told her that he had met some Americans and was taking us to eat! It was so cute how he talked to her! He ended the conversation with talk to you later KISSES! Oh and early he said he loved meeting Americans and speaking English because he had been speaking Greek his whole life and it was boring, so he liked the change and newness of English!

When we sat down the waiter brought us bread and He offered us beer but we all said no thank you! Then we just sat an talked! it was wonderful! He told us how he listened to Stevie Wonder and Elvis Presley! And he even sang one song. We laughed so much! He told us stories from when he sailed to America. Then they brought out the octopus and fried squid, and vegetable salad. AND french fries! haha. oh and coke. The octopus and squid was very different, but good to try...once. haha, oh and btw we had already eaten lunch around 15 minutes before this. None the less we were STUFFED! and then at the end he brought out this pastey stuff that was pepto bismol pink. At first we thgouht it was dessert, then right as meghan was stuffing the fork load into her mought he told us it was fish eggs! and that we dipped our french fries in it. He was wonderful! He invited us to go dancing with him so he could teach us how to dance Greek style! I really hope we get to do that! Then it was time to go. He paid for all of it! There is no telling how much it cost cause everything is about twice as much in Greece! He was so friendly and joyfully! He gave us his name and number on a piece of paper! So I think one day after school we are going to come down and find him again! He was wonderful! I hope a little bit of how awesome that experience was came across on paper.

Then after that, we went to the temple of Poseidon. It was beautiful! and I can't believe I was there. All I could think about was Betsy Piper's eight grade mythology class! It was all coming back to me! It was a great windy day! The temple was beautiful and I got a lot of great pictures. Then we hiked down to the bottom cause the temple is surrounded by three waters. It was beautiful. I wonder what it was like back then. They told us the story of why it is called the Aegean sea. Something about King Aegeus who killed himself in the sea after he thought his son had died in battle because the Captin of the ship that was bringing his son back was suppose to change its black sails to white if the son was ok, but the captin forgot. Therefore, when he pulled into the port by the temple the sails were black so Aegeus thought his son was dead and jumped into the sea.

Oh on the way to Athens that morning I sat by Larelle, who is a hilrious femanine black guy on our trip! and we listened to Beyonce on the way there (the same headset) it was great!! and we danced and sang! I had so much fun!!

After the temple we went back to Aretmis, and Meghan and I took a nap...and missed dinner. oops. But it was ok because we were still stuffed from the seafood!

but that was pretty much my day! I am still waiting to skype with Jodi! JODI! we need to set a time up! I love you all!

The A with the circle around it is the anarchy sign. They are everywhere because of the riots going on. It means down with the government. The government recently shot and killed a 15 year old boy at a riot so there is a lot of tension right now between the people and the government.


pittypat said...

Jodi has been on Piper retreat. I love reading about all of your adventures! I miss you and love you so much!

pittypat said...

Great pics you do such an amazing job taking pictures.