Thursday, January 8, 2009


I love this picture of me and Jodi. Just wanted to add a picture and I love this one.
I leave for Greece in four days! I really can not believe I am going to be so far away from home for so long. I am so excited! and yet a little nervous! I wanted to create this blog so my family and my closest friends have a way to keep up with me. and for a way for me to journal fast online. Pray that I arrive in Athens safely!
This break has been great! I have loved being home with my family. I only wish I had some more time before I left. Although I am sure once I get to Greece I will love it and fall in love. but right now it is hard to look towards that because I am leaving behind home and the people I love. I am hopeful that Travis and my mom and maybe my dad will get to come visit me over spring break though! That seems so far away, I think because I am not even there yet. I am dreading saying goodbye to Travis. I hated saying goodbye to him when he went to China and now here we are again saying goodbye for 4 months. but hopefully he will be able to come see me in Greece. So there is my first post. it took me forever to figure out how to use this thing. I have tried to write several posts before but I could never find them again. They are just floating around in cyberspace I presume. well that is all.
“Life can only be understood looking backward. It must be lived forward.”-The Curious Case of Benjamin Button


Joe Pittard said...

Hey Cal, hope you have gotten some rest, we look forward to seeing some pics and comments on your blog.

Wanda said...

Calle, you are a great story teller.

Mrs. Wanda