Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Life in the Port of the Tailor

Greece welcomed us well. Black skies and rain. but still beautiful. Our flights were long and some were a little rough. The first one to Memphis was really bad, but our last one to Athens was worse. There was so much turbulence. But we arrived safely, and there was only one guy who missed his flight. Before we got on the flight to Amsterdam we tried to get some food because we heard that it was gross. Gross did not even begin to cover it. It was curry. vegan curry. (let me say that did not set well with my stomach and it just hit me about 5 minutes ago) there were some oreos, and some crackers that I ate. that was it. and then when the coffee came around I got some and went to get the sugar off the flight attendents tray I grabbed four packets and the flight attendent said are you baking a pie or something?So I put two back, and was that a mistake because that coffee was so strong Momma Dean would have thrown it up. haha and you know that is strong. and we had breakfast which was a fake bisquit and fake egg and cheese. it was a little better than the other meal. But anyway. Side note as we were getting on the plane to Amersterdam after we had given them our boarding pass before we got on the plane we had to show our passports to like 4 officers, and while I was looking for my passport I had my huge ridiculous heavy red bag on my shoulders and I accidently hit the door handle behind and all of a sudden this ear piercing alarm goes off. and the officer glared at me and was like was that you? and I gave my innocent face and said yes sorry it was my bag. and he let me through, then another officer was like "WHO SET OFF THAT ALARM?" and I meekly said me! and he just tried to be mad but he really wasn't. ok so on the plane ride I sat by a man who was going to Kenya to help build a house with the Baptist men of something. It was like 7 men he said and they go on about 4 international trips a year just to go aid somewhere. and he had been to Greece a while ago to help with forrest fires. anyway. he was a quite man so I only got a little out of him but he was very nice. then when we got to Amsterdam right when we stepped out of the plane there were people from all over the world around us. The airport was very modern and so nice. The people were very friendly who were checking our luggage much nicer than the Americans. anyways. then on our flight to Athens we had another breakfast. and oh my goodness the dutch put the americans to shame when it comes to airplane food we had organic yogurt with an organic granola bar and wheat bread with strawberry jelly and cheese! IT WAS yummy! Then we got to Athens and drove to Porto Rafti. We are very close to the beach! which is stunning. I cant wait to see it when it is sunny. Tomorrow it is suppose to be in the 60's! but I will try and upload some pictures. I am on the computer in the computer lab cause the wifi doesnt reach to my room because we are on the end. oh and the decor of the villa is very that 70's show. I love you all!!! I will update again soon!!! facebook me. and Right now it is 5pm here and like 9am there. so there is an 8 hour time difference! So just be on skype tonight and I will try and find you! I LOVE YOU!!! AND GOD IS GOOD! and i haven't slept yet, so sorry if this blog is a little out of sorts. I think I am running on adrenaline right now.


Marcy Hammons said...

Calle! I am SO excited for you! I laughed so hard when you were describing the delicacies of plane food. I forgot all about that. Can't wait. But gosh, GO DUTCH! I'm working on setting up my blog right now. If only I had a decisive bone in my might be a bit easier and less time consuming. Anyway, two-shay for thinking up this blog bit. I can't wait to hear about your many fabulous adventures to come. LOVE YOU

Jessica Thweatt said...

Hi Calle! I am glad to see you have a blog! Mom gave me the website. Hope you are having a wonderful time!


Wanda said...

So happy you made it safely. Sounds like an interesting flight. I am glad you have a blog so I can check in on you. Love you! Mrs. Wanda

Wanda said...

I am loving this! The picture from your hallway is beautiful. Sounds like you are settling in. Take care! Wanda

Aunt Cinda said...

Aunt Cinda:Good morning Calle. What an adventure you are on. The picture was great of you and Travis I presume. You look like a little girl holding Ruffles. I miss that little girl sometimes. How is the weather in Greece? It is cold and cloudy in Lebanon. I was wishing for a snow day, but that was not meant to be. I am so glad you called Moma Dean on her birthday. That made her day. We went out to eat at O'Charley's with your Mom and Dad. That was fun. I am getting ready for kindergarten classes this morning. It is a busy day. Annie practice is this afternoon. Well enough about me, hope you are doing well. I hope you are feeling better. Uncle Walter lived on the island of Crete for a year and loved it. It is a beautiful country and I hope you get to see everything. Be safe and always travel in numbers. We look forward to seeing you in May. Take care of yourself. We love you very much.

Aunt Cinda

Wanda said...