Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama in a far distant land.

The morning of the inauguration Fofie, our cook, walked in with her Greek magazine and there on the front was Michelle Obama. The inauguration was on every channel. Even on the Turkish news channel. Talking to the Greek preacher at our church was in lighting to how the America is viewed. He loves America. And said that we showed the rest of the world what is the purpose of freedom, liberty, and equality. He said America is a statement to the rest of the world that democracy can work. It is very interesting to see how the Greeks persieve us. Overall it is pleasent. One woman told Rebecca (one of the HUG directors) that we are pure and compassionate, and to keep us away from the Greeks cause they will take our pureness away from us. This was while we were on the metro. Other than that, we are loud, and smile alot. Meghan was trying to buy sunglasses at a little kiosk in the street in Athens, and was told to stop smiling. I think he thought she was making fun of him and his store. They do not smile when walking down the street. They are very catious to show their emotions it seems.

But there were only a few of us who watched the inauguration. It sort of made me disappointed in our group. I think there were more Greeks that watched it in Porto Rafti than Americans. Actually I know that to be true. It is hard for me to understand people not able to recongnize the gravity of that day. It almost makes me sad, that so many young people are so far removed from anything but their own life. Me included. but yesterday especially I find it hard to not escape my selfishness of being consumed with me. There were only 6 of us. out of 42. sigh. And just now I asked someone just casually to better understand, "hey why didn't you watch the inauguration?" and this person said "Why would i?" I didn't reply.


The day before we climbed the mountain across from the Artemis. It was ridiculous. There were so so mnay thorns and rocks. but it was awesome!! The view was spectacular. It was a very long hike though directly straight up the whole time. There were great rocks to climb though! Oh and one of the dogs that always follows us, followed us all the way up the mountain. This was not a hike for the light hearted though. It was insane. I have no idea how this dog did it. We couldn't stay at the top for long cause the sun was setting and we did not want to get caught on that mountain in the dark. We thought that was going to happen, but miraculously it didn't. We made it back, and I only had 5 thorns in my hand. and about 30 scrapes on my arms and legs. Well worth it though!

Oh and last night we had Lady Tea Time. it was fun! we prayed, and played I have never ever... It is where everyone holds up ten fingers and when it is your turn you have to say something you have never done and if the other people have done it they have to put a finger down. well the first one was I have never had a speeding ticket, so Calle had to put a finger down. and then the next one was I have never been in a wreck...and Calle had to put another one down. But then Me and Meghan had the great idea to say I have never ever has sex, because Dr. Jewell and Mrs. Rebecca were also playing and they would have to put a finger down! hahaha and so Meghan said it and everyone died laughing! It was so funny! Dr. Jewell was the funniest. I think she is in her 60's or 70's, she looked like she was a teenager again. It was precious. I think we have that once a week. I am looking forward to it.

Mainly because I am finding it hard to get to know people here. I don't know what it is. There are a lot of girls that are really different than me, which is not a bad thing, but hard to know how to start a relationship. Some of the girls are just really shy and a little socially awkard. Also I really want to get to know Dr. Jewell and Mrs. Rebecca, but has just been hard. It seems as though there are only a hand full of people who truly know who I am back home, so it is hard to open yourself up to brand new people so quickly, or even know how to. It seems as though Meghan and I are already branded as the rebels/ the ones who are always the last to arrive!! We do not know how it happens! we are always last. always. we do not mean to at all! oh well.

and it is hard here because you have adults around you all the time. At school I am never around adults. and not only are these just adults, but they are adults that like to take charge and tell us what to do. Like for instance, Dr. Jewell (Fred) told us that we could not drink coffee during chapel. Which is just annoying because chapel is so informal! and we are allowed to have coffee in chapel at Harding. There are some guys that are still bringing it to chapel, but I thought I already have enough stones stacked up to stone me. I really have not done anything though. I am just use to being able to do my own thing. But I am adjusting. I have to go to class now. Yall are all still asleep though.

OH!! and did I mention that I found out the girl that got the RA position over me, has a full ride to HARDING!!! I CRIED! IT UPSET ME SO MUCH! I DONT UNDERSTAND!!!! I AM STILL REALLY UPSET! I think when I get back to HArding I am going to met with Dr. Hopper and say that their needs to be an interview process, and that financial aid should be taked into consideration because that is ridiculous. It is free for her to be here and she gets and extra $1000. I cant talk about it anymore it makes me too upset.


JodiPittard said...

can not believe only six people watched the inaguration!!!! That is absolutley ridiculous, and very very sad. We watched almost the whole thing in a thrid grade classroom. I was so excited yesterday, and it was really neat because we were in school on monday which was martin luthur king jr day, and read a book, and it was neat to be able to make the connection with the kids just the day after his birthday, Did you know that he stumbled on the oath because the sumpreme court justice got it wrong! it was not obama. I am sorry about the ra thing. That is so ridiculous and totally how the world works all the time. I love my class. There is one little boy who I love because he tries really hard not to smile, but he likes me a lot! it is awesome. I love you sooooooo much!

Unknown said...

I love the new pictures!!!!