Thursday, April 16, 2009

so it is over.

this is the end.
the last day of my time in Greece, HUG spring '09, my semester over seas.
and oddly enough I am at peace with it.
because I know this is only the beginning for my life.
because I know this is the jumping block to get me started.
because I know I have the most wonderful people in my life that will be waiting for me at the airport on May 1st.
I know that this semester has been great for me, and I feel as though I have done what I can to make it the best.
I know that there are more people for me to meet and for me to form relationships than just these 40 people.
I am so excited about life.
If there is anything that this semester has taught me is that life truly is what you make it.
I know that my life is going to be awesome because I choose it to be that way.
There are people that are sad to be leaving and crying, which is special. But for me I am not sad. I think partly because my heart is with my family and Travis.
Also, I am a person that needs to be around different people, and well I have been around the same 40 people for 4 months....needless to say I am ready for a change.
It is hard to live with 40 people.....but then again great. it is a toss up really.
My life in Greece has been wonderful, this has been a time to really analyze myself and where I am in my life, and with God.
I feel as though I have learned a lot about myself, and other people. just dealing with people.
which is impossible sometimes.
I can't tell you how many times I have had to bite my tongue this semester, control is also something I have learned.
I leave this place with joy in my heart with what has happened here, but also with joy about the future.
I really am at peace right now, and I have never felt so much peace about my life before. It is a little earth shaking. I know where I am headed. I know that God is right there behind me. I know that I am loved. I know that I am not alone. what else is there?
The world is waiting for me.
So I suppose I will go visit 8 countries!!

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