Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The true loss from losing my wallet.

So today I was sitting on facebook looking at people's pictures from Turkey and Nothern Greece, and the tragic, horrible, worst thought came to my mind. MY MEMORY CARD WAS IN MY WALLET!!! I immediately remember that for the first time in my life I kept my memory card in my wallet in order to not lose it. Well good thing I did that. All my pictures from Turkey and northern Greece and the Peloponesse Trip and whatever else I had not uploaded are gone. there were 2000 pictures on that card. I feel sick. I will never recover I don't think.
why is it that this happens to the person who pictures matter most to?
why is it that for the first time in my life I kept my memory card in my wallet?
why is it that for the first time when riding the metro I carried the wrong bag?
why is it that for the first time in the metro I was not thinking about protecting my bag?
I do not understand.
I know this is not that big of deal in the scheme of life, but these are always the questions I find myself asking.
Why do these things happen that if they were turned the other way it seems as though nothing would change? Like why couldn't I have just not put my memory card in my wallet that day? Why couldn't I have had an intution, or the Holy Spirit lead me not to put it in there?
The one time I was trying to be very responsible with my stuff it goes and bites me in the butt. It seems as though when I try to take a step forward there is always something pushing me two steps back. I suppose that is what earth is all about. But then why earth? why did God create us to live this way? and I think we were created from the beginning with God knowing that we were going to choose to walk into darkness. It was just a matter of time before we sinned.

Today and actually yesturday some people were burning plastic. Not for any reason just to do something cause they were bored. I asked them not to because plastic puts off poisionous fumes and burns the ozone layer. Both times there reply was this is not going to matter, this is not going to change anything. And I said to one of the guys "If you cut down a tree everyday there are not going to be any trees left. and it is God's creation you are hurting." and of course he said "I am not cutting down trees." missing the point, probably just not wanting to admit that the point was a good one. When are people going to stop living in their own little world, where they think that nothing they do effects the rest of the world for the rest of time? When are we going to start actually believing that ONE person can make a difference? When are we going to realize that we do make a difference? When are we as Christians going to realize that it is not the "tree huggers" or the "go green people" that are he ones that are suppose to save the creation, it is the Christians!! If there was any group of people that should be making every effort to save and preserve and protect this world it is those who claim to believe that the ONE and True Jehovah God created it for US! If this world just happened to come about by chance then I suppose there is no reason for you to feel a calling to preserve it because it will preserve itself by chance again. BUT IF YOU BELIEVE THAT GOD CREATED IT JUST LIKE HE CREATED US, and not only created it, but created it for us, then how can we claim to be Christians and not care about the work of God. His fingerprints are we really believe that? If we did, if we saw God in nature like we claim then how can we just sit back and watch God's art be destoryed and not feel any calling to help it? Oh but being a Christian is about going to church, and doing all the right things when it comes to living your life, but what about the earth we live on? Why aren't we teaching are children to respect what God created for us? If we keep treating the world like we are right now it will not exist for our kids to learn about God. People are so scared of terroist and wars, which is scary. But what about what we are doing to our planet? billions of trees are cut down every year just so we can make toliet paper. Think about how much toliet paper you use for one wipe? When I went to Egypt I got three squares. It was hard, but I did it. Ever since I have been trying to use less. Think about how much of your paper towel is still dry when you throw it away? these things aren't taught to us. most people do not even think about them, but they are effecting our world. I think there is a need to us as Christians to do what we can to try and keep this world the way God created it. God created two things, us and this world. Let's be good to both.

alright there was my sermon for the day lol.
i feel a little bit better.

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