Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The land of the Milk and Honey

Northern Israel truly is the land of the milk and honey. It is beautiful! I never would have thought this is what Israel would look like, but that is because of where we are. In southern Israel is gets very very dry.

It is strange whenever I enter a new country, I always anticipate walking off the airplane and walking into a new place that looks completely different. But there before me, in a land so far away from where I call home, is a place that does not look far from what I already know. Even the people are centered around the same things in airports. Their hearts are waiting for someone, some friend, some family member, some lover returning from being away. We all are really not all that different. At the core of each person's soul is the true need to show love and to show love to others. We are all searching through life through life looking for a way to make us feel connected either with the world or the people in it. Sometimes people are so desperate to find that connection they turn to things that only pull them farther away from any sort of peace and comfort. We find things in this world that give us false sense of securities; wealth, power, the comfort of our own country in our own home. Those things are the very things that Jesus warns us about. He tells us to find hope in Him. To find life in Him. So in the end all these ways we try to connect to God and his earth ultimately put us all at the same place. In some sense and some time, are we not all trying to find our place in this vast and intimidating world? Whether we are standing at the arrival gate in Israel wearing Vans and Polo shirt (which a girl was wearing), or if we are standing in America wearing a Vans shirt and Polo shoes, we were all created to have the same core. The same creator made each and everyone of us in HIS image. Therefore, at our core, at everyones core lies the spirit of Christ, no matter if you deny Him or not, he is still within you. Can you ever escape God? never.

Sorry a little side note there.

Israel is wonderful. Our hotel that we are staying at also is housing 110 Christians from Nigeria. They are on their pilgrimage. Like Muslims who make their way to Mecca. These Christians made their pilgrimage to here, Israel to walk where Jesus walked. A young preacher brought 110 fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to be where Christ once was in flesh. and here I sit surrounded somehow, in the same hotel, by 110 other brothers and sisters in Christ. It is funny how God works. We are all searching for the same thing are we not?
It is surreal to be here.
to be literally in the city where Jesus was raised. Jesus of Nazareth.

Oh man I almost forgot a great story.
two actually.
one: we were at the oldest amphitheater in Israel. We were listening to our guide talk, and then we decided to sing a few songs. So we started singing some songs. And then off in the distance we heard a faint sound of singing. Once we finished our song we realized that the group that was sitting on the steps in the theater was singing Here I am to worship. So then we joined in and sang with them. They had brought along a guitar. It was a great moment.

two. When we went to mount Carmel, after we came down there was a small chapel and Mr. Tim asked if we could sing some in it. Glory be. It was astoundingly beautiful. The last song we sang was the greatest commandments. I have not been moved like that in a while. It was beautiful. I couldn't hold back the tears. It was a great moment on the top of Mount Carmel where Elijah once stood.

Other than that we went to the Mountain in Nazareth where the people took Jesus up to and threatened to throw him off it. Then we went down into the city of Nazareth and had lunch. Then we went to this village that was built to look like the Nazareth of Jesus' time. It was interesting, but a little VBS style.

Our guide is so knowledgeable. I am pretty sure he knows every thing there is to know about every important site in the Holy Land.

Tomorrow is a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee.

I am off to bed! I love you so so so so so so so so so so much! keep praying. Ill be in touch soon! I love you.


Unknown said...

AMAZING!!!! I wish I was there. Take lots of pictures. I love you!

pittypat said...

Please send up an update. Love you!