Monday, February 23, 2009

The Simple Life

I wish I could freeze this moment in my life. I have finally found contentment in where I am in life So much so that I am scared of losing it all. I have realized just how wonderful the life I lead is, and it terrifies me to think so something happening to make it all disappear. This is where I know my faith in the Lord must step in and take control of my worries. It is so much easier said than done. This has been one of my constant struggles in life, learning how to truly hand it all over to God. I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders, and sometimes it really bogs me down. I wish so many times that I could just stop my brain from thinking. I think that is part of the reason for meditation though. I think that is why it is so important! To give us time with God where we focus on only one thing, a word, a scripture, our requests, our thanksgivings, or even just a time to clear your mind all together ( I have not reached the point where I can do that). I think that the times in which Jesus disappeared for hours at a time, after he had been with big crowds, he went away to meditate and be with God. I think that part of the current generation and even the humanity as a whole has gotten so far from that we are extremely affected.


This past week has been pretty uneventful. We just have been having school everyday except for Sunday, yes even on Saturday. I had two tests on Saturday. Not to shaby though one I made a 100 on one I did was one of those that you studied the study guide and then there was nothing on the test from the study guide. Those are my favorite personally. false. Oh well life goes on, and I have decided that I am not going to let school get in the way of my time here. It is not suppose to, and it is annoying when people freak out over their grades and think life is over if they make a not so good grade. I use to be one of those people so I understand, but then I realized when I am out of college and have a job, no one is going to care about my grades. In the whole scheme of life they are so trivial. I work hard, and do my best but that is all I can do. My grades have no holding on who I am as a person. Therefore, I do what I can and move on. So many people miss out on life because they are stressed about being the best at everything. What if people's outlook on life was not to be the best, but to enjoy life the most. I think the depression rate in America would go down. What if America like the Muslims had a whole month where they don't care about working, all they care about is fasting and praying. Glory. What if American Christians had a time in their life where they were not stressed by work and school? We would be a differnet scoiety. Their are so many aspect of Islam that I admire. Which I am sure some will be scared I said because Islam is viewed by so many Americans as the scary religion. In some ways it is because there are those very very few % of muslims that are extreme. 3/4ths of Muslims are Folk Muslims which means they beleive in the tradition of their religion most of all. This was told to me by a man named Kye Holton who is a professor at Harding, and lived in Mosimbque(not sure of the spelling) for 10 years where Islam is pretty much the only religion. Islam is a religion based upon discipline and dedication. Two things in which Christians struggle most with. Their is so much we could learn from them, and yet so many people's only goal with Muslims is to convert them. Sad. What if we both grew in our faith together? What if we actually took what Paul said to heart, "Go unto all the world and preach the Gospel, oif necessary use words." Brilliant words!!

Anways back to Life in Greece.
I love the life here it is so simple. It revolves around community. I feel more than ever I am apart of the church. I think this is so much like the Church. If someone needs something someone is there to give it to them, money, clothes, words of wisdom, prayers, and anything else. We are always ready to help each other. We are always around each other, which is too much at some points.
My favorite part of my day is when I go work out. It is the time I have to myself. We have a gym here that is a part of our house, the Artemis. It is really nice, and has a great sound system that you can plug your ipod up to. So while I am increasing my heart beat, and sweat is pouring down my face, I am able to listen to my favorite music! I also read during this time! It is the best of three worlds, exercising (which releases endorphenes that make me feel better), listening to music, and reading! Oh and TIME ALONE! It is so wonderful! I am about to go do that now! Woo Hoo!

Yesterday we went to Athens for church and a young man was baptized! He is from Ukraine and just moved to Greece without anyone. He plays basketball; therefore, he is extrememly tall, and could barely fit in the batizmal bath. haha. It was wonderful though. Everyone went up and kissed him afterwards. This church that we go to is very untied as a body of Christ. They all rejoice with each other, and bare each other's burdens when needed. It is a beautiful thing.

I was able to skype with travis last night. It has been a while. We had a great time talking with each other!
Also the night before I got to talk to Jodi for about 2 hours! Which was wonderful! We remembered the times when we ust to watch Funny Girl over and over again! haha great movie! Andy remembered Jodi and I talking about it one day this past semester, and recorded it for her! How wonderful he is to remember that! It was really sweet of him. We also talked about her wedding!! I can't believe I am not there. It makes me sad to think about. I feel like I am in a dream and I am going to wake up and it is all going to be over and I will have missed it all. SAD!

Also the other day I was having a lonely day, and I called Travis and was sad on the phone. But it was definitely one of those times like Freshman year when the freshmen call their parents and are so homesick. They get the parents all worried, but the minute they hang up something fun happens! That is what happened to me! After I got off the phone, even though I wanted to jsut retreat to my room, I made myself go into the den with everyone. I am so glad I did because the most ridiculous thing happened. I don't even know how it was all so fast. But I ended up in a boxing match with Ben and John. hahaha it was so funny! We were laughing so hard! It was a wonderful moment! Then we ended up dancing! and singing the Newsies and acting it out! hahaha! Man I wished someone had video taped it! At the end we were like what just happened! and how? It was wonderful! then we ended up watching the Newsies. This guys here are so fun. They remind me of Dale Binkley, the way he always made me laugh. He made me laugh more. man I miss that kid.

Oh yeah, the other day is felt as though I was in middle school again because I made an annoucement, and a group of people ridiculed me for it and poked fun at what I said. I was really taken back by how rude and mean it was. I was already emotional at that point, so I ended up losing it.Mary Beth was so kind though. I asked her if I could have a hug, and she jsut huged me for a while. Then she just rubbed the back of my neck for me. It was soothing, and what I needed. She is always understanding. I love her. The guys who were involved came up to me afterwards and apologized. They were sincere, and it was comforting to know they cared. But the girl involved never said anything. Typical of girls. Why are we so petty sometimes? What is it in us that makes us feel as though we have to prove ourselves to each other? We are strange creatures. haha.

anyway. Life is wonderful, it really is. I have found that I am so content with the simple life, it makes me never want to return to nursing school!! AH!!


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