Monday, February 2, 2009

Our Trip!

I don't have time to write everything out we are doing everyday, but I will just write the key places.

Feb. 4 (arrive in the Tel Aviv airport at 4:00am)
-Caesarea ( Paul was taken Prisoner here)
-Mt. Carmel(where Elijah had the fire battle with Baal and God)

Feb. 5
-boat ride on the Sea of Galilee
-Cana(visit the Wedding Church where Jesus performed His first miracle)
-Magdala(Mary Magdala was from here)
-Mount of Beatitudes

Feb. 6
-Caesarea Phillippi
-Jordan River(to the place tradition says Jesus was baptizied)
-Jericho(the oldest city in the world and yes the famous Jericho from the Bible)
-Mt of Temptation

Feb. 7 (Travis and Mine's 1 year anniversary)
-Israel Museum
-Mount Zion(visit tomb of David and the Upper room)
-Mount of Olives
-Palm Sunday Road
-Garden of Gethsemane

Feb. 8
-Western (Wailing) Wall
-Dome of the Rock
-Al-Aksa Mosque
-Pool of Bethesda (where the Angel would ruffle the waters to heal people)
-Church of Holy Sepulche(where Jesus was crucified, buried, and risen)
-Garden Tomb

Feb. 9
-Dead Sea
-Masada (the last Jewish resistance to the Romans)
-Essene enclave(where they found the Dead Sea Scrolls)
-Drive to Egypt

Feb. 10
-Free time to go the the beach at the Red Sea
-Bedouin Camp where we will have a camel ride in the desert, just before sunset.
-Dinner is traditional desert-type Bedouin supper-tea and pita bread with 'labane' and 'zatar'

Feb. 11
-Mt. Sinai
-Greek-Orthodox Monastery
-Red Sea

Feb. 12
-Giza Pyramids(These are the most famous pyramids in the world and we get to go into them!)
also this year is the last touring season to go inside the pyramids, after this they are shutting them down!
-Sound and Light show on the Pyraminds!

Feb. 13
-Cairo Museum of Antiquities in the center of Cairo
-where Ramaeses II is mummified who is said to be the Pharo during Moses' time
-Lunch at a local village
-ride boats in an amusement parks
-and then that night we get to buy Egyptian dresses and go on a cruise for a folkloric show! we dance and eat!

Feb. 14
-Memphis (ancient Egyptian capital)
-Step pyramids at Saqqara (the first pyramids in the world)
-Mohamad Ali Mosque
-Coptic Cairo (the first Christian Churches)
-overnight train to Luxor

Feb. 15
-Temple of Luxor
-Temple of Karnak (which is world famous)
these places
-Luxor is a very famous city, there is very good shopping there and we get a while to shop!

Feb. 16
Leave for Athens!

That is a lot of our trip, obviously not all of it. but a summary of what we will be doing everyday!
I will be keeping a journal while I'm there and then I will write on the blog when I get back. I think I will have some internet access throughout the trip cause we are staying in five star hotels! so I will try to blog some! so keep checking it! I love you all!! Wish you all could go with me and experience along my side.
Pray for our safety and that no one gets sick!
I love you all!!!

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