Monday, March 30, 2009

Sunday, March 29, 2009

I have finally returned from a far off distant land, with a little less in my pocket.

Well where to start where to start. maybe with this story.

Today Meghan, my roommate who I have mentioned several times, Hayley Allen, a new be-loved friend I have made, and Stephanie Dear, the girl who is always on her toes, returned from four glorious days in the Isle of Santorini. Yes Yes, while all you people back in the states were slaving away at work, I was frolicking around on a Greek Isle, on my best behavior of course. We were exhausted seeing as how our eight hour ferry this morning left before the sun had even stretched it's legs out of bed. Not to mention that Greece has a daylights saving time as well, and it happened to be on the morning that we had to catch a 6:30am ferry. Nevertheless, we lost a whole glorious hour of sleep. After being on the ferry four eight hours, and barely getting any sleep last night cause we stayed up and talked like a bunch of high school girls, we were sluggish walking into Athens this morning. Our "Blue Star Ferry" cruised from Santorini to the port in Athens called Pireaus. Once off the ship we collected our luggage and made way for the metro to lead us to food. We also had with us two companions we had met while in Santorini, and who happened to be on our ferry this morning. Don't worry mom they were nice, a boy and a girl. I was not stupid I promise. Anyway, as we led them to the metro we all got our tickets. I have not been in Athens on the metro in 18 days so I was a little forgetful on proper metro etique. Unfortunately, I did not make sure my wallet was all the way down in my purse, nor did I have my bag in front of me like I always do in Athens. As we all pilled in the metro car, there was this group of around 4 people who were pushing everyone around. There was an older man, a woman, a younger boy, and a middle aged man. All of a sudden all of them got off the metro, and just then I hear Meghan say that guy just tried to get in my purse. Then Hayley yells "MY WALLET IS GONE!" Instinctively, I reach my nervous hand into my bag, there to my demise is the absence of my olive colored Wal-mart wallet. Immediately, I jump off the train, and start going after the guy. Hayley quickly follows. At this point I was so mad, I was yelling at this guy to give me my wallet back. I catch up to him, and tell him to give it back. Then he starts calling me a crazy...bad word...bad word. He is cussing me out and everyone is watching. Finally, I turn to Hayley and ask her if that was the guy, and then he was gone. I then immediately run into the cafe in the metro station, asking for a phone. The lady doesn't speak English, but notices the tears in my eyes and my hand at my ear miming phone. She says follow me. At this point I remember that my luggage and the rest of the group is still on the metro. I run back to see if they got off, luckily they did with mine and Hayley's luggage. I run back to the woman, and she takes me into this office. I think it was just the information office for the metro. I ask for a phone, and at first they tell me no. Probably thinking I will call a long distance number. I tell them it is local. She hands me the phone. I get the phone number card that Tim gave us at the beginning of the semester. I dial, Tim answers. I have to repeat who it is who is calling about four times before he understands who it is. Each minute losing time that the theif could be cracking into our bank accounts. First he tells me that he cant call anyone cause he is not at the Artemis, and I am like "CALL THEM ON YOUR CELL PHONE!" he says oh yeah. Then brilliantly he tells me to text him the numbers. I say Tim we dont have cell phones! Then I tell him to write them down and he says he cant. and I said get someone to write them down. Basically, I am the one who is in the crisis who is having to think logically. After getting him the numbers, he tells me that he will have to wait till he gets back to the Artemis. I said TIM NO! You must call our parents now! I told him to not stop calling until they answer, he says ok and we hang up. At this point I remembered that my passport and my camera were in the bag they stole from. Calming I ask Meghan to look for them, THANKFULLY SHE FOUND BOTH OF THEM! Hayley had her passport also. So the worst did not happen. Our new friends were there this whole time waiting asking if they could help. The woman Jackie even let us use her phone to call our parents even though it was long distance. They were wonderful. We reached our parents revealing the annoying news. In my wallet was 100 Euros which is around 150 dollars plus my debit card. Plau two calling cards that were new that I had spent 10 euros on. Plus my patches from the countries I visited. Luckily, I did not have my drivers liscense in there or insurance or social secruity card. Which Halyey thinks she did have that in her wallet. But we have our passports. and I have my camera. It is just money. No one was hurt. We were all so bumbed; we just headed back to the Artemis. Oh yeah. After we got on the metro to go to Porto Rafti, it ended up being down and we had to get off and take a bus. So we called Tim if he could pick us up from the station which is only like 15 minutes away from Porto Rafti, he tells us no. He says that he only comes and picks people up after the buses aren't running. He was a real help today. So we figured out how to get back guarding our bags all the way. It ends up that Tim felt bad and ended up going to where we wanted to be picked up, but since he wasn't going to we couldn't go to that station cause no buses run there. Luckily, Rebecca, Tim's wife, was on her way to church and saw us waiting for the bus and called Tim to pick us up. He apologized for not helping the situation. We arrived back at the Artemis finally. I called Travis, ate, took a shower, and watched a movie. Now I am here writing this. Hayley and I are very bumbed. It is just so unfortunate because we had not been in the swing of taking the Metro; therefore, we were taken off gaurd. But other than that all is well!

Turkey is amazing. The terrian is much like Greece. It is a beautiful country with rolling hills and endless seas just like Greece. I met some amazing people along the way. I will now have facebook friends from all over the world. haha. I had a turkish bath, which was outstanding! I watched the sunset in Ia in Santorini ontop of the white houses and blue roofed churches like you see in postcards. I have so much to write.

When we were on our cruise of the Greek Isles, we had a dance party on the boat. It all started as a joke because me and some of my friends walked into the "Moonlight Disco" room, and all these tennie boppers were standing akwardly on the dance floor pushing their friends out to dance, and then giggling and running back. There were also the girls that had on the way to short skirts, and even the backless shirts. A guy in our group named them "prostitots". oops. So one of our quarky guys ran out on the dance floor and started dancing akwardly. haha. Then this guy in our group named Larelle(yes black man) ran out there also. Let me desribe these two guys. First of all they are both over 6 ft tall. But John is this skinny, lanky, white boy who can't dance for anything. Then Larelle is this huge black guy who dances like he is on "So You Think You Can Dance". Basically, the perfecty pair. It was hilarious. After watching this scene for a while, the rest of us run out there and start dancing up a storm. Don't worry this is no public school prom dancing. This is white kids running around having a blast just moving anyway they can. In other words we looked like fools! BUT WE WERE HAVING THE TIME OF OUR LIFE! The dance part went on for two hours. In which at one point I think half of our HUG group had joined the party, and about twenty 13 yr. olds. To say the least it was a party. We had so much fun! I have never had that much fun dancing ever! I was sweating up a storm, my hair looked like I had just jumped in a pool. haha. Oh I didn't ever mention that there was music. Don't worry we did have some sort of a beat going, even if we didn't follow it all the time. I danced for two solid straight hours. It was amazing. The next night we danced again, but I had a toenail that had gotten ripped in half so I couldn't move that much. Oh we also played "Sardines" on the boat. Which is the opposite of hide and seek. Only one person hides and everyone else is trying to find them, and when you find them you hide with them. It was alot of fun!
The only bad part was I got sea sick. Don't go on a cruise on the Aegean sea in the winter. It is awfully rocky.

Santorini was a blast. It was four of us girls. We rented four wheelers to go around the island. We found a light house, a Red Beach, the cute twon of Ia. It was one of the most beautiful places I have been. Ia was the best city. It literally was out of a postcard. We had delicious food, accompanied with great laughter and friendships! I had an amazing time just enjoying life and God's creation. One night we were almost out of gas in a town that was 20 minutes away from the next gas station. I am still not sure how we made it without funning out of gas. It was an adventure! I have now planned, booked, paid, gone, and returned from a vacation all on my own! I think I am growing up! Ok I did end up getting my wallet stolen. dang it.

Oh my favorite biblical place in Turkey was Ephesus! It was HUGE! and only 10% had been excavated. I will post pictures soon. Paul went to Ephesus on his missionary jounreys. It had the third largest library in the world at that time. Next to Alexandria, and Pergamum, which we visited. It was all around a great trip! I love traveling! It makes me not miss home as much. When I am here at the Artemis I get sad, but when I am out experiencing the world I don't let myself be sad. We are the only HUG group to ever go to Isreal, Egypt, and Turkey! and maybe the last. I am so blessed to see the places I have seen. I am in the top 10% of the world and I don't deserve my life, but I am eternally grateful. The guys that have become my best friends here all the ones that I usually am able to talk to about the greatness of this trip. I have had so many experiences that most people only dream of, and still I find something to complain about. I have always needed to learn contentment in my life. It has always been something I have struggled at finding. Rebecca said something on the trip when we were in Philippi, the place where Paul casted out the demon in the woman. She said "Being fully in the present is the closest we will come to understanding eternity." It is so true, because the present is what eternity will be like for eternity. It will always be present in heaven. So if we can find away to be content in the present maybe we will have a little understanding of eternity.

I am going to go edit some pictures so I can put a few up tomorrow. I love you all with all of my heart. Places to visit in your life: Jerusalem and Istanbul.
I live in the present, that is why I can not help but think that if I lived today like it was my last I would do great things. That is why if I lived this summer as if it was my last I would stay in Nashville with my family. Therefore, I have made a decison. I will live in the present and spend the summer in Nashville with the people I love the most in this world. I have made a decision. I don't know where it will lead me, but I know that if this was the last summer I had I would want to spend it with my family. "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, there you will hear my voice saying"This is the way walk in it".

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I am in Istanbul, Turkey. I am not sure if a city can get any more awesome. This city is amazing. I dont have much time. I am off to another part of Turkey tomorrow. I met two men tonight. One from Iran, and another from Iraq. Two of the nicest men I have met. We really are screwed up by the news, and our own world view. They really are not so different. It was funny one man asked where I was from and I said America. He said uh oh, this guy is from Iran! and he put his hands between us like to spot a fight, and I just smiled and I said he is my friend not my enemy! and we shook hands! We smiled and laughed about our countries animosity towards each other. The world is full of surprises. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Northern Greece, Turkey, and The Greek Isles!

I had to put this up! Is that not the most precious picture ever! This was in Nicaragua. Over spring break Travis went on a mission trip, and worked with some babies that were being taken care of before being sent to an orphanage. 
Could it get any better than that? I don't think so. Tomorrow we head for Turkey for 6 days and then a week in the Greek Islands! I am spending four whole days on Santorini with three other girls! I am throughly excited! I have started another journal for this trip like I did for Israel and Egypt. It is another moleskin that mom sent me! My only mail that i have gotten since I have been here...sad face. 
The past three days we have been in Northern Greece. It has been fun, but I am ready for something all new and different! I am thrilled for Turkey because I have no idea what to expect! I have heard Istanbul is amazing! Which is where I will be tomorrow night! 
Tonight I am in Philippi, which is where Paul was in prison, where Lydia was baptized, the first baptism in Europe, also where Paul cast out demons. The town we are staying at right down the street from Philippi is called Calavaca. It is a cute port city. Tonight we had tea time which is my favorite. I stayed after and talked longer with Mrs. Rebecca, Liz, and Bonnie. Who are both introverted girls who I don't get to talk with much, so it was nice to sit and talk with them. I started a new book by Rob Bell called Jesus wants to Save Christians. It is good so far, I am only on the first chapter though. Everytime I start to read it on the bus, I fall asleep. Just like I use to when Mom would drive me home from school. I always fell asleep everyday. 
I am so tired it is almost 2 in the morning here, but I was waiting for Travis to get home so I could talk to him. We have an early start in the morning too. Oh well. I'll just go to bed early tomorrow night. 
I can't believe I only have 6 more weeks in Europe. I mean right now that seems like a really long time, but I know it is going to go by fast. I have sort of figured free traveling out. I am nervous about it though. I pray it all goes well. 
Also I am having to make some big decisions about Nursing school right now. I am unsure of what to do. So keep that in your prayers, that God leads me to what He wants me to do. 
I will be in turkey for 6 days, then the islands. I will try to update again, but I don't have a computer I am using someone's. I love you all!! 

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Spirit in its finest form.

Tonight we had our weekly Tuesday night ladies tea time and I am still trying to remember everything that was said because it was so great! Man oh man. These times with the ladies are some of the most precious moments I have had while here in Greece. I fully understand the power of the Church now, and what it is meant for. Man oh man!! This time truly is the time when I am rejuvenated, and when I feel connected to the body of Christ. Just like Church is suppose to be. Glory! I never want to not have these times ever. I have to think that that is what heaven will be like!
Tonight we talked about fears. If you wanted you could tell your fears in life, and maybe a scripture that has helped you through it. Since the fear of death rushed through me when Mrs. Rebecca said that, I started. I talked about my fear of death, losing someone, me myself dying because it is so unknown. I am scared of the unknown. I am terrified. I am scared of the rumors about 2012. I think about it all the time. I also pray that God takes it from me. I am not completely free of my fear but I think I have finally taken ONE STEP! Glory it has been forever...4 years.
Mrs. Rebecca told this story about how she had this little old woman die in her house of cancer while she was in Russia. When the woman was dying she said Rebecca I am scared because no one has ever come back and told us what it is like? and Rebecca said Yes they have, Jesus did. He came back to tell us it is ok and not scary!
I have never thought about Jesus as the one who came back to tell us it is ok. Oh my goodness. oh my goodness. Can you say wake up call! It shook me from within, and brought tears to my eyes.
Not only was it amazing to talk myself, but to also hear other ladies' fears was liberating. To hear Jane talk about all the hurt she has received through the church, through people claiming to be followers of God, by her father is moving. To hear her say her fear is God. She fears God. AMEN! I DO TOO!, but her fear limits her faith. She realizes that in order to say she believes in God she has to give up herself, and herself is the only thing she knows to be true. It is the only person who has not walked all over her. So it is hard to give up the one constant in your life to a being that you are not sure of. I understand though. I sympathize with her. I really do.
Pray for us here. We are learning so much.
It was a GREAT DAY!!!
I also went bike riding along the sea with Meredith and this girl named Rosie Helton. It was amazing! It was a magnificent day, God really knows how to make you forget about yesterday!
I have a crick in my neck, pray it gets better.
I love you all.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Freinds from far away.

A short update tonight, and then a long one to come in the next couple of days I promise.

We went to the Peloponnese, which was beautiful and wonderful!
more on that later.

Yesterday MEREDITH arrived here from Florence. She is at HUF. There were four other girls that came to Greece for their spring break. (We don't get a spring break btw!)

*reason for short update tonight I have a huge test tomorrow!

I have never been reminded so much of a love for a friend like I was when I saw Mere for the first time in 4 months! Oh man, oh man! She lunged out of the car and ran to me and we just hugged and screamed and jumped up and down, by the end we were nauseous! It was so wonderful! I think she brought a little bit of the crazy calle back to life! FINALLY! haha. It is amazing how much better everyone's attitudes are now. All the girls are best friends of someone here in Greece, it is amazing what love can do to the air! haha! Yesterday when they got here we walked down to the sea enjoying the beautiful warm day. The sun kissed are cheecks especially wonderfully yesterday! Mere and I just caught up with each other and laughed and hugged and held hands...alright is this sounding a little to much like I should be talking about Travis? haha. We are so excited about living off campus next year together! We have prosmised that we are going to have girl time one morning each week where we get up early to go get coffee and talk and pray together! We are so excited! I can't tell you how happy I am to have her here. Then after lunch, we went to the soccer field that over looks the sea. We walked there which took and hour, and we walked back. So you could say Meredith and I had time to catch up! We talked about our likes and dislikes about our semesters, struggles we have had, fun times, I told her about Isreal and Egypt! And we of course talked about the men in our lives! It warmed my heart to be with my best friend again!

Today we went to Athens for church and then to the Acropolis, finally! The Florence girls went to the Athens Museum during church, after being ridiculed by Tim Brinley for not going to church. I am beginning to think he is a tyrant. He thinks he needs to parent everyone he comes into contact with, even adults. It is sad. moving on...After church we met up with the girls at the acropolis! It was great. The Parthenon was under a lot of construction though, which was sad. Then I took Mere ontop of Mars Hill, and down to the Agroa. Then we went to get gyros(pronounced euros) from Sabbas! They are the best! Then we went to the Poet Store!! Ok this is my favorite store in Athens! It is amazing mostly due to the history. It is run by a Petralis Melissino, whose father started the store. His father was the poet and has many many famous poems around the world. His son Petralis started making the shoes when he was a boy and carried the store on after his father retired. Petralis went to Parsons School of Design in New York City, which is on Project Runway and is one of the top Art schools in the world. He has painting all in his store! He also published several plays, and one of his plays was awarded one of the best of the century in Athens. It ran for several years. ALSO!!! The store has been open since 1920. There are two shoes that are called the Jackie O and the John Lennon! WHY???? because they bought those pairs of shoes! Yes! The Beatles strolled into the store one day and Petralis fitted them some sandals! They all bought some! Same with Jackie O. How awesome! John Lennon came into the store to met the father cause he loved his peoms! It is an amazing legacy and store! Oh and I bought some. They are custom made to fit your feet! I love mine. No one else has gotten the ones i got cause they are a little different, but I love them!

Then Mere and I just walked around the Placa and shopped! We had a great time, we finished the day off with a strawberry and chocolate crepe! YUM YUM!!!

I must go study now!

Monday, March 2, 2009

A day at the Sea and A day in Corinth. Beautiful.

Today we went to Corinth! Today was a Greek Holiday in which they celebrate life by flying kites and flying away their bad attitudes! How wonderful! We had a change of plans due to this holiday. Our travel agency actually canceled our trip. It all worked out because today we just went on a day trip and then tomorrow we are having class so we dont have to have class on Saturday! then on wednesday we are leaving for the Peloponnese till Friday! Today we went to some ruins. I feel horrible that I don't know what they were. They were mentioned in Acts, Romans, and II Timothy. Then we climbed up this ridiculous mountain to have lunch! It was beautiful! We over looked the sea and snow covered mountains! It was the most beautiful place in Greece I have seen yet! It was astounding! After we got down, we headed to the place that everyone was going to bungee jump off of. It was over the Corinth Canal. Very scary. Sadly, I did not jump. I am not disappointed though. It was 50 Euros so like $60 for 5 seconds of thrill. I just did not want to do it first of all, I am just too scared right now. also I would rather spend my money on something else! It just seemed not to be the time for me to do it! I would love to jump with Travis though, or Dad! Daddy would flip out if he bungee jumped! Maybe I can talk him into it! I loved watching everyone though! It was great! I walked out onto the little bridge within the big bridge that everyone was waiting on and I got nauceous! I am not a heights person. Someday, though.
Then we just came back to the Artemis.

Last night a group of us went down to the beach and made a bon fire! It was much fun! We all just hung out! I am going to miss those times!

My favorite time of this week though was two days at the beach! One day Me Roman and Meghan got Fofi to drive us down to this soccer field. I was on the brink of finsihing Eclipse(The Third Twilight book) So I just read! The soccer field was looking out onto the beach! I wish I could take a picture of this place with my eyes and then send it to your eyes! It is beautiful!!! Right up there with the Caribbean! Man oh man. I am going to miss this place so bad. We are half way, which is crazy! I just laid on the soccer field and read my book! It was wonderful!! Then the next day Meghan, Roman, Hunter, Eric, Richard, and I all went down to the same place and flew kites!! It was wonderful! Such a perfect day at the beach flying kites! It was pretty chilly though! Then we played some soccer, and headed back to the Artemis when the sun went down. One the way back (it was an hour walk) Meghan, Richard, and I stopped to get some hot chacolate with Carmel sauce! It was delicious! We had so much fun! It was a fantastic day!! I am enjoying my time here, but I can't help but yearn for those back home! I have decided that I am not going to live in Searcy this summer to take classes. I am not sure what the means for school, but I do know what it means to my sister and my family, the world. I can not imagine missing the summer before my sister's wedding, my best friend's wedding. I would not want to miss all the wedding stuff when I have already missed so much. Also, my last summer with my sister as a single woman!
Now I am thrilled about this summer! Early when I thought I was going to be in Searcy I was so down about this summer. But now I can't wait!!! Travis is going to be living with us too! and ANDY! YAY! I know it is going to be so much fun!!! We are going to have the best of times! I am over joyed!!

I am off to bed. I love you all.
Travis 11pm skype!