Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Spirit in its finest form.

Tonight we had our weekly Tuesday night ladies tea time and I am still trying to remember everything that was said because it was so great! Man oh man. These times with the ladies are some of the most precious moments I have had while here in Greece. I fully understand the power of the Church now, and what it is meant for. Man oh man!! This time truly is the time when I am rejuvenated, and when I feel connected to the body of Christ. Just like Church is suppose to be. Glory! I never want to not have these times ever. I have to think that that is what heaven will be like!
Tonight we talked about fears. If you wanted you could tell your fears in life, and maybe a scripture that has helped you through it. Since the fear of death rushed through me when Mrs. Rebecca said that, I started. I talked about my fear of death, losing someone, me myself dying because it is so unknown. I am scared of the unknown. I am terrified. I am scared of the rumors about 2012. I think about it all the time. I also pray that God takes it from me. I am not completely free of my fear but I think I have finally taken ONE STEP! Glory it has been forever...4 years.
Mrs. Rebecca told this story about how she had this little old woman die in her house of cancer while she was in Russia. When the woman was dying she said Rebecca I am scared because no one has ever come back and told us what it is like? and Rebecca said Yes they have, Jesus did. He came back to tell us it is ok and not scary!
I have never thought about Jesus as the one who came back to tell us it is ok. Oh my goodness. oh my goodness. Can you say wake up call! It shook me from within, and brought tears to my eyes.
Not only was it amazing to talk myself, but to also hear other ladies' fears was liberating. To hear Jane talk about all the hurt she has received through the church, through people claiming to be followers of God, by her father is moving. To hear her say her fear is God. She fears God. AMEN! I DO TOO!, but her fear limits her faith. She realizes that in order to say she believes in God she has to give up herself, and herself is the only thing she knows to be true. It is the only person who has not walked all over her. So it is hard to give up the one constant in your life to a being that you are not sure of. I understand though. I sympathize with her. I really do.
Pray for us here. We are learning so much.
It was a GREAT DAY!!!
I also went bike riding along the sea with Meredith and this girl named Rosie Helton. It was amazing! It was a magnificent day, God really knows how to make you forget about yesterday!
I have a crick in my neck, pray it gets better.
I love you all.

1 comment:

JodiPittard said...


I love times like that when you just sit around and talk. That is what otter creek small groups used to be for me. i am watching notting hill right now. I love this movie so much! i just finished up my third grade placement! I had students bring me presents. they were really sad that i was leaving. I was too!!! i move to kindergarten on monday, then spring break!!!!!!!!

see i commented on your blog so you have to keep writing! I love you sooooooo much!