Sunday, March 8, 2009

Freinds from far away.

A short update tonight, and then a long one to come in the next couple of days I promise.

We went to the Peloponnese, which was beautiful and wonderful!
more on that later.

Yesterday MEREDITH arrived here from Florence. She is at HUF. There were four other girls that came to Greece for their spring break. (We don't get a spring break btw!)

*reason for short update tonight I have a huge test tomorrow!

I have never been reminded so much of a love for a friend like I was when I saw Mere for the first time in 4 months! Oh man, oh man! She lunged out of the car and ran to me and we just hugged and screamed and jumped up and down, by the end we were nauseous! It was so wonderful! I think she brought a little bit of the crazy calle back to life! FINALLY! haha. It is amazing how much better everyone's attitudes are now. All the girls are best friends of someone here in Greece, it is amazing what love can do to the air! haha! Yesterday when they got here we walked down to the sea enjoying the beautiful warm day. The sun kissed are cheecks especially wonderfully yesterday! Mere and I just caught up with each other and laughed and hugged and held hands...alright is this sounding a little to much like I should be talking about Travis? haha. We are so excited about living off campus next year together! We have prosmised that we are going to have girl time one morning each week where we get up early to go get coffee and talk and pray together! We are so excited! I can't tell you how happy I am to have her here. Then after lunch, we went to the soccer field that over looks the sea. We walked there which took and hour, and we walked back. So you could say Meredith and I had time to catch up! We talked about our likes and dislikes about our semesters, struggles we have had, fun times, I told her about Isreal and Egypt! And we of course talked about the men in our lives! It warmed my heart to be with my best friend again!

Today we went to Athens for church and then to the Acropolis, finally! The Florence girls went to the Athens Museum during church, after being ridiculed by Tim Brinley for not going to church. I am beginning to think he is a tyrant. He thinks he needs to parent everyone he comes into contact with, even adults. It is sad. moving on...After church we met up with the girls at the acropolis! It was great. The Parthenon was under a lot of construction though, which was sad. Then I took Mere ontop of Mars Hill, and down to the Agroa. Then we went to get gyros(pronounced euros) from Sabbas! They are the best! Then we went to the Poet Store!! Ok this is my favorite store in Athens! It is amazing mostly due to the history. It is run by a Petralis Melissino, whose father started the store. His father was the poet and has many many famous poems around the world. His son Petralis started making the shoes when he was a boy and carried the store on after his father retired. Petralis went to Parsons School of Design in New York City, which is on Project Runway and is one of the top Art schools in the world. He has painting all in his store! He also published several plays, and one of his plays was awarded one of the best of the century in Athens. It ran for several years. ALSO!!! The store has been open since 1920. There are two shoes that are called the Jackie O and the John Lennon! WHY???? because they bought those pairs of shoes! Yes! The Beatles strolled into the store one day and Petralis fitted them some sandals! They all bought some! Same with Jackie O. How awesome! John Lennon came into the store to met the father cause he loved his peoms! It is an amazing legacy and store! Oh and I bought some. They are custom made to fit your feet! I love mine. No one else has gotten the ones i got cause they are a little different, but I love them!

Then Mere and I just walked around the Placa and shopped! We had a great time, we finished the day off with a strawberry and chocolate crepe! YUM YUM!!!

I must go study now!

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