Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Northern Greece, Turkey, and The Greek Isles!

I had to put this up! Is that not the most precious picture ever! This was in Nicaragua. Over spring break Travis went on a mission trip, and worked with some babies that were being taken care of before being sent to an orphanage. 
Could it get any better than that? I don't think so. Tomorrow we head for Turkey for 6 days and then a week in the Greek Islands! I am spending four whole days on Santorini with three other girls! I am throughly excited! I have started another journal for this trip like I did for Israel and Egypt. It is another moleskin that mom sent me! My only mail that i have gotten since I have been here...sad face. 
The past three days we have been in Northern Greece. It has been fun, but I am ready for something all new and different! I am thrilled for Turkey because I have no idea what to expect! I have heard Istanbul is amazing! Which is where I will be tomorrow night! 
Tonight I am in Philippi, which is where Paul was in prison, where Lydia was baptized, the first baptism in Europe, also where Paul cast out demons. The town we are staying at right down the street from Philippi is called Calavaca. It is a cute port city. Tonight we had tea time which is my favorite. I stayed after and talked longer with Mrs. Rebecca, Liz, and Bonnie. Who are both introverted girls who I don't get to talk with much, so it was nice to sit and talk with them. I started a new book by Rob Bell called Jesus wants to Save Christians. It is good so far, I am only on the first chapter though. Everytime I start to read it on the bus, I fall asleep. Just like I use to when Mom would drive me home from school. I always fell asleep everyday. 
I am so tired it is almost 2 in the morning here, but I was waiting for Travis to get home so I could talk to him. We have an early start in the morning too. Oh well. I'll just go to bed early tomorrow night. 
I can't believe I only have 6 more weeks in Europe. I mean right now that seems like a really long time, but I know it is going to go by fast. I have sort of figured free traveling out. I am nervous about it though. I pray it all goes well. 
Also I am having to make some big decisions about Nursing school right now. I am unsure of what to do. So keep that in your prayers, that God leads me to what He wants me to do. 
I will be in turkey for 6 days, then the islands. I will try to update again, but I don't have a computer I am using someone's. I love you all!! 

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